A CALL TO PRAYER: (Spiritual Warfare Series) #SOSPrayerRequest


“We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.”  (2Corinthians 10:4, NLT)

Dear people of God, so many people are currently faced with decisions that is similar to being between the devil and the deep blue sea. 

There are so many who are financially responsible for aged parents, siblings etc., who are being threatened with job loss if they do not take the c0vid vak$in.

Although they may not have full knowledge of the science of the vak$in, they object to being mandated to take it due to conscientious objections and the violation of their Human Rights, and their God-given rights to make choices. 


Since this is not a political or scientific forum, we refuse to be involved in the pros and cons of the vak$in and its relatives.

Because we are not ignorant of the devices of satan and his minions, let us confront issues from a spiritual perspective and in due season, we shall see results if we do not faint.

We should also be a pillar of encouragement to those who are being persecuted even as we are praying for them.

Likewise, we should not stand in judgement against those who have taken or will take the vak$in. 

Our responsibility as #intercessors , #watchmen #spiritualWarriors  or #prayingWarriors is to STAND for Humanity AGAINST THE ENCROACHING DARKNESS, as well as PRESENT & REPRESENT GOD’s IDEALS to the people.

Praying is our business:                          We pray FOR and preach the Resurrected Christ to the peoples, and pray against satan and his evil-force.

Your Part:

Below is my own Prayer.  Since ‘Christianity is a-together faith’, and as a show of your agreement, kindly post your own prayer  here as COMMENT.

My Prayer for You:

Your labor of love will be richly rewarded by God, in Christ matchless name. 

The Prayer Response to the #SOSPrayerRequest 

ABBA Father, in unity of faith, we come against the evil spirits working in tandem with human agents of the devil, in order to frustrate the faith of people, by giving them wicked life-threatening options.

We command all such COLLUSION to be disbanded, colluders exposed, and all the evil spirits that are influencing inhumanity against humans should all go at once to the feet of Jesus Christ.

We affirm that we have overcome the ‘strongman’ perpetuating this evil against humanity.  

We declare that Christ Jesus manifested to destroy the works of the devil. 

Therefore, by the authority in the name of Jesus Christ, we come against the strongholds of deception, deaths, diseases, despotism, autocracy, fascism. false-positive, false religious beliefs,  confusion, torments, intimidation, sorcery,  manipulation, fears/phobias, deep wickedness in organizations and nations of our world and all other evil structures already in place or yet to be programmed against humanity and specially targeting the People of God : all such structures, programs, plans, projections, inventions, strategies and their relatives, are to commence self-destruction at once.

We declare that the kingdoms and nations of our world are ours in Christ Jesus as joint heirs with Christ.

  We remain in the liberty Christ accomplished for us: we refuse to become slaves of warped philosophers, unrighteous judges, fear-driven peoples, and power drunk rulers. 

We declare that faith in God is superimposed over fear of the future and all other related evils. 

We release the fear and dread of God to restrain overzealous employers from enforcing unrighteous decrees. 

 Thank you Father GOD  that by the functioning of the Holy Spirit, the web of confusions is cleared, people have received clarity and will make bold to stand in faith for the Truth, in Christ matchless name. Shalom! 

From Hephzibah Christly #theSpiritualWarrior 

Don’t forget to share your heartfelt prayer with us in the COMMENTS SECTION. 


Below are some  Prayers from your Comments:

“I have now read the prayer and I stand firmly in agreement with the petitions made in the name of Yahweh Rophe- God our Healer. And by faith in His name and promises, as God our Father, we stand firmly against any and all forces  that seek to negate our faith and commitment to Christ and we declare null, void and helpless any agents that seek to rule and force their faithless belief systems against us in an effort to take away our divine liberties given us by almighty God ! We declare  victory over any and all forces that seek to dominate and overrule our faith and allegiance to our God in the SUPREME name above all– the Lord Jesus Christ.    Amein ! ”  by Danelle Meyehoffer Church 

Necromancy leads to demonization

“Someone may say to you,”Let’s ask the mediums and those who consult spirits of the dead. With their whisperings and mutterings, they will tell us what to do.” But shouldn’t  people ask God for guidance? Should the living seek guidance from the dead? (Isaiah 8:19; NLT)

Nec·ro·man·cy which is an aspect of occultism is classified under magic practices. It is the practice of communicating with the dead in order to predict the future.

To the Believer in Christ God says;

“Don’t sacrifice your son or daughter. And don’t try to use any kind of magic or witchcraft to tell fortunes or to cast spells or to talk with spirits of the dead.” (Deuteronomy 18:11, CEV)

The reason is this, all who do such is abominable to God (See Deut 18:12) And the

Penalty is death (see Leviticus 20:27). Death is separation from God, which leaves you as a victim of the forces of evil.

With involvement with any form of occultism comes the high point of demon activity. 


When you are facing challenges, Seek God through Jesus Christ the only and perfect Mediator (1Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 9:15)

Christ  understands what you are going through for He has been there before (Hebrews 4:15)

Satan is the avowed enemy of both God and Humans. 

When you as a child of God do what HE expressly forbids and seek help from agents of satan, you have of your own freewill handed your life over to the devil for torment.

If you are interested in breaking the bondage to satan, leave a comment.

From Hephzibah Christly #theSpiritualWarrior