The touch of faith

You are feeling all alone and wondering when the pain would stop. As you remember the doctor’s prognosis, fear grips your heart. Be of good cheer. There was a woman in Bible days, who went around with a health issue for 18 years. She lost all she had just seeking for a cure until she heard about JESUS CHRIST. Faith welled up in her even though she had reached rock bottom. She garnered her remaining strength, and took the faith-walk to CHRIST and touched the hem of HIS garment and she was not only healed, but made whole. Today is your day to walk into your healing and wholeness in CHRIST name. That same grace that was available to her is also available to you now because yesterday, today and forever, JESUS never changes. Receive your healing by faith. Some people posit that not everyone would be healed- but nowhere is it written that you are the one who wont be healed. And for the record, CHRIST healed all who came to HIM. Your case will not be different. Work out your salvation, healing and deliverance with fear and trembling. Its a personal decision to walk by faith or by the words of nay sayers. You are in our prayers. GOD bless you. Shalom!

My faith in CHRIST engrafted me into the commonwealth of Israel.
I am a partaker of the inheritance of the saints, therefore, the devil cannot rob me of my health, longevity, marriage, children or finances.
I #declare that these blessings are blood-bought and paid for by Jesus Christ.
By the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, I am strengthened and have become the receptor of multiplied increases of favorable circumstances to GOD’s glory.
Hephzibah Christly

For Praying Warriors 1

Pray 🙏 for Pastors:

The most tears I shed in life was when I was pastoring. I was so heartbroken 💔 for the pain and poverty of the people, their hardness of heart, ingratitude and most of all their insensitivity to my personal needs.

It was all about them! I was so depressed and asked God to please call me home.

However God raised a praying team who believed in me. They identified with me and started praying for me and I fulfilled my ministry to the people.

Dear Prayer Partners, join me to pray for these men and women in the Frontline of Spiritual Warfare – ‘the Pastors’. They are at the receiving end of attacks from family, friends, parishioners and the forces of evil 😈.

Those who are glossy and are like movie stars – the bishops, televangelists etc. are not true representations of the shepherds after GOD’s heart. They are a negligible percentage of real Christian leaders. I’m not judging or condemning them. In their own way, they are fulfilling their own calling.

However, there are thousands out there in the field who have not bowed to the gods of commerce, fame and occultism.

Pray with me for those who are working with the Spirit of calling and have cast out the spirits of commerce etc.

Several of these servants of God are living in abject poverty. Many are homeless and can’t send their kids to school.
Many more are in communities where they face death threats daily for the Gospel sake.

These are the shepherds the Bible talks about. They will never abandon the sheep. They are building lives for the Kingdom.

Please pray for them.
1. That they be strengthened, protected, favored and have ministry partners to run with the vision God gave them.
2. Pray for their families, finances and relationship with God.
3. Pray for their spouses and kids for God’s cover of invincibility to be over them, and speak blessings over their marriages.
4. Pray restoration for those who quit already. Let the fire 🔥 reignite in them.
Thank you people of God. You will be appreciated and affirmed wherever you go, in Christ precious name.
From #theWatchman Hephzibah Christly

Why pray death on another Human?

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.“(2 Peter 3:9)

Spiritual Warfare is the ongoing battle between members of God’s Kingdom of light and satan’s kingdom of darkness.

Our objective as praying warriors is to win Souls to Christ, so that they can live victoriously in this life and have a place among the saints in the hereafter.

However, satan’s objective is to kill, steal and destroy lives. (John. 10:10)

Since there is no demilitarized zone, you are either in the Kingdom of light- winning Souls and preserving spirit, soul and body blameless (1Thess. 5:23): Or you are in the kingdom of darkness, destroying Human lives.

All murderers shall have their part in the lake of fire and they cannot inherit the kingdom of God. (Rev. 21:8)

God does not desire death of sinners, rather He wants us to take them the Good news.

There are so many doctrines of devils that satan is spreading through his human agents.

Some people are so indoctrinated by their denominations that they are unaware that they are working with satan against God and humanity.

If you are praying “my enemy fall down and die” know today that you are working against the will of God and are working with the 👿 devil.

fallen angels, demons and satan are spirit beings. They may fall down but don’t die.

Christ gave Believers the right to cast them out and stop the activities of evil spirits (See Luke 9:1, 10:19)

When the time to judge them comes we shall judge angels. Do not be deceived, now is not the time to judge satan and his forces of evil or to kill them off. Which means your ” fall down and die’ or ‘roast by fire’s prayers are killing Human beings, howbeit in the spirit.

You will be accountable to for all your murders.

Dear Spiritual Warriors, our warfare is not against flesh and blood but against satan and his forces of evil. (See Ephesians 6:12-18)

Combat the forces of evil 😈 influencing fellow humans to be against you.

I do understand there are some humans who are sold out to the devil, and are as virulent as he is. There are also some others as well, who are unwilling slaves of satan. They are just caught in his web of lies.

My book series Demons Deactivated discusses the finer points of this issue. Here is where you can get our books, proceeds of which goes into our missionary initiatives.

God in His infinite wisdom has given Spiritual Warriors a panoply of weapons. Which we can use to disable, hedge in or restrain toxic humans/human agents of the devil. Leaving us free to war on their behalf to negate the influences that has made them evil.

There are many who wanted Moses dead, instead they died, and God used Moses to deliver his people.

Likewise yours truly. I was not a good person before Christ arrested me. However, those who sought my death, died wretched without accomplishing their goals.

Herod wanted the infant Jesus dead, but he died first.

Your life too is a testimony of God’s grace. Why do you despise the grace of God by praying death upon another Human Being?

If all those you offended had prayed your death before the mercy of God changed your life, would they have been justified?

The husbandman is the first partaker.

Which means the farmer always eats his crops first. If you plant death, you will eat its fruits first.

Whatsoever a man sows that he shall surely reap.

We are called unto life not unto death.

Speak life, be positive then your life will attract good things.

Vindictive, manipulative, impreccatory prayers comes from an unforgiving, implacable, and vindictive heart. It attracts 😈 evil, such as sicknesses (psychosomatic disorders), unprogressiveness and demon activities.

People perish for lack of knowledge, but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.

I pray the grace of God that brings forgiveness, peace, healings and wisdom be upon you,in the name of Jesus Christ.

Shalom from Hephzibah Christly #theSpiritualWarrior

The beauty of forgiveness

Have faith in God, forgive others.
There was a time in my life that i let the injuries in my Soul dictate my relationship with others.

I became cynical, vindictive, aggressive and my words were hateful and vengeful.

You know something, i was one sick person. The anger, resentment, inability to forgive and bitterness was poisoning my body.

These things are toxic. Apart from health issues, my relationship and economy were also affected.

Negativity hinders blessings but attract evil.

Internally and externally things were declining daily. Prayers and deliverance ministrations were futile.

The demons had every right to inhabit my realm and spheres because i gave them the right atmosphere with my negative thoughts and actions.

One day, as i was searching the scriptures for weapons of war, because i felt i was not praying right, hence my situation did not change. That day, Mark 11: 22-26 stood out before my eyes. Please read it for yourself. Forgiveness and faith are siamese twins conjoined in the heart. Both are relevant if you want to be free of demonic influences in your life.

From that day, i saw clearly how i tied up myself by my negative thoughts and actions. Truly people hurt me but i tied up myself by how i coped with the hurts.

I asked forgiveness from God and released everyone i was angry with. I even wrote letters of release to some that really hurt me.

That was when my change started. When you apply Biblical principles to your life, it detoxifies your system. Then psychosomatic disorders will no longer plague you.

Bless those who hurt you and you will receive twice as much as you lost when you held on to your hurts.

I am a living Testimony that the Word of God works. Cheer up my friends. From now live as the righteousness of God that you already are in Christ Jesus.

Righteousness is your default as a born again child of God.

I pray peace and love to override the hurts in soul. I ask God to grant you the enabling grace to forgive all who hurt you and to bless them like the child of God that you are. I curse every root of bitterness to wither. All demonic influences are to leave your realm and spheres of life now. I declare the works of the devil 👿 are destroyed. Blossom 🌸 in health. Be rich in economic blessings. You are loosed to prosper in your spirit, soul, body in Jesus Christ matchless name. Shalom. Hephzibah Christly

Prophetic Prayer for Divine repositioning

* There shall be divine shift in your situation.

* Whatever is standing as the barrier against your peace, prosperity and progress, is hereby destroyed.

* Because the counsel of the ungodly shall not prosper, the secret decision to demote or embarrass you shall not stand.

* You are victorious over all bloodline and ancestral yokes, whether it is spiritual, financial, physical, material, marital, psychosomatic or other related evils.

* Your silent tears, secret sorrows and feelings of desperation are over.

* Locked opportunities and embargoes are removed.

* Your by-passed promotion is unlocked and released to you.

* Breakthroughs like never before shall locate you without struggles in Jesus name.

* The grace of God has lifted and placed you on an extraordinary pedestal.

* From today your life shall be a manifestation of the glory of God so much so that the blessed shall call you blessed, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 🙏 Amein.

From Hephzibah Christly #theCommandantSwats

Don’t Devalue yourself

Hooking up hooks you up to a life of misery, pain, disappointment, and condemnation.

The Bible says:”Flee fornication.” (See 1 Cor. 6 :18)

In our world today, sexual sins are commonplace.
To justify their obvious lack of self-control, some spiritually myopic Christians argue that “hooking up, gayism , mastubation, etc are sins against their own body and so is of no consequence.

Ignorance is truly a disease that destroys from within, and causes much suffering.

“What? Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. so you must honor God with your body.” (1Cor.6:19)

Your body was not created by you. And if you are a Christian, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Don’t be misinformed – know the Bible for yourself. Spare time to search the Scriptures, it is honorable to do so.
Refuse to be misled by “social gospellers” who are wolves in sheep clothing, and are pulling crowds to the Kingdom of darkness through their enticing words of human wisdom. And whose motivation is the “spirit of commerce , not the “Spirit of calling”.

They are more interested in their social- followership than in your salvation.

“Don’t you know that those who do wrong will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, who are idol worshipers; male prostitutes; homosexuals; thieves; greedy people, drunkards, abusers, and swindlers-none of these will have a share in the Kingdom of God.” (1Cor. 6:9-10)

Know God and His Word -the Bible for yourself. Just don’t be taken-in by ‘Religious liberalists, secular humanists and social-gospellers’. They are so are ignorant of the Truth of God’s Word.

When the blind lead the blind, they end in the pit.

Also refuse to allow modern day culture dictate your lifestyle. Maintain your uniqueness. The born again is a peculiar and extraordinary being. In Christ, You were recreated anew.

Because others are doing it does not make it right. You can do better for yourself.

Hooking up places you at a disadvantage, devalues your humanity-your feminity or masculinity.

Hence God says marriage is honorable and it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

Anyone who want you as a live – in lover, hates you passionately- Flee all appearances of evil. (1 Thess. 5:22) Run for your dear life.

And if you are already in relationship whereby he or she is full of excuses why marriage is ‘not feasible right now’, but is enjoying the sexual privileges of marriage, you are in a situation and not in a relationship: you are being victimized.

Turn the tables on the devil and redefine the relationship.

Don’t negotiate your destiny and perpetuate bloodline troubles for your descendants.

Move out and get your life back. That is what repentance is all about. A change of heart evidenced in a change of action

You are God’s special creation. Why settle for second best.

If God could give up Jesus Christ for you what is a husband or wife that He can’t give to you?

Every good and perfect gift descends from above, from The Father of lights with whom there is no change nor a shadow of variation. (James 1:17, Aramaic Bible in Plain English

If it is good and not perfect 👌 it is not from God. satan is a counterfeiter. Don’t be fooled.

I pray your desire to be married be perfected in the name of Jesus Christ. I release to you now, the grace of marriage. Your husband shall find you and you shall find your wife and God’s name shall be glorified, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amein.

From #theCommandantSwats

Hephzibah Christly
love 😍 you all. Shalom!

Re-Present your children to God by Prayer

#stopAndThink: Are you raising Godly seeds or worldly seeds? Children are a sacred trust from God. Have you faithfully nurtured your children in the fear and discipline that comes from God? (See Ephesians 6:4)

If you have failed in parenting them right and they are now the source of many tears, sorrows and sleepless nights.

Don’t despair, you can get it right again. Our God is a God who forgives, heals and restores.

Say this #prayer with me.

ABBA Father, thank you for your love and trust that made you give me parenting responsibilities.
I am sorry for failing you so woefully. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ for forgiveness and receive cleansing for all the sins and bloodline unrighteousness.

I rededicate all my children to you. ABBA, use them for your glory. By this dedication they are holy unto you and therefore uninhabitable by all the depravity in this dark world.

I thank you because your grace that brings healing, deliverance salvation, protection favor and prosperity is upon all my descendants.

From today I declare that as the seed of the righteous they shall function in their God-given destiny and fulfil the purpose for their lives. For they now
function in the arena of indestructibility and nothing can stand against them.
According to the riches of your glory my descendants are strengthened with might by your Spirit and Christ indwells them by faith, in the name of Jesus Christ I 🙏 pray. Amein.
Hephzibah Christly

Freedom from mastubation, Pornography etc.

Those who cover their sins do not prosper, However, those who confess and forsake their sins obtain mercy. (Proverbs 28:13)

If you desire freedom from pornography, masturbation and other related sexual sins follow this prayer guide.

1. Ask God to help you. Because of yourself you can do nothing.
2. Ask God to forgive you- acknowledge the sin then Confront the fact you need help to get over it.
3. Repent: take a stand now, resolve in your mind never to go back into pornography, mastubation and all other sexual sins. Because if we confess and forsake our sins, we shall obtain mercy from God.
4. Point your finger to your left chest where your heart is and say to yourself, “I ……… ” do solemnly declare with my mouth what I believe in my heart that pornography and mastubation no longer have control over me: my soul, body,genitals, fingers, eyes and every part of me that were actively or docilely involved with the aforementioned are hereby delivered, cleansed and liberated. ”
5. Boldly say:
Satan the Lord rebuke you. Spirits of addiction, addictive behaviour , pornography, sexual immorality, lust, mastubation, depravity and all their relatives are to pack their baggages and get out of my sexual organs, feelings, emotions, thought life and every aspect of my Being and bloodline, now and for all eternity stay away from me and my bloodline as well.

I shut the door of my heart, will power , consciousness , semi consciousness and deep consciousness against all sexual sins.

I open the portals of my soul to be cleansed by the Blood of Jesus Christ.

I declare that all filthiness attracting such filth into my life is gone.

I affirm that resistance is formed in me by God’s Word against the works of the flesh.

I proclaim that I produce fruits worthy of repentance and shall never again be entangled in any yoke of bondage to pornography, mastubation and all other sexual sins.

Today I give up for burning all the materials I was using for that craft. (make sure you destroy them)

Thank you My Father and God for saving, delivering and restoring me to Your ideal in Jesus Christ mighty name I PRAY ”
After saying this prayer,
1. Gather all the stuffs such as magazines etc , then burn them.
2. Unsubscribe from all those porn sites.
3. Avoid persons, places or things that influence the habit.
4. Read your Bible daily and subscribe to a daily devotional and Bible reading plans.

Anytime you are tempted to indulge, fight the good fight of faith by declaring your freedom. If you resist the devil he will flee. That is what spiritual warfare is all about. Hold fast to your confessions of deliverance. Get up, and keep praying until the urge goes away.

It’s a battle of wills. I can testify that When you persist and persevere you would have established your victory within three days.

Read your Bible or daily devotional .
5. Always listen to Christian music. Saturate your atmosphere with the presence of God by always playing Christian Gospel music at the background when ever you are sline. Shalom

Let me pray with you :

ABBA DAD, thank you for your grace that has brought forgiveness, salvation, deliverance, healing and restoration to this your child.

I stand with him/her against the forces of evil 😈 that are influencing sexual sins in this body. I command that they all leave at once.

I release the fire 🔥 of cleansing to their bloodlines as I identify with all the sins of the past three generations as well as the personal sins of this child and I plead the blood of Jesus Christ our Redeemer for forgiveness and cleansing.

I break the bands of evil 😈 asunder and declare the prey of the mighty and the lawful captive is delivered.

From today, your body is allergic to sexual immorality. You are the temple of the living God and every aspect of your Being function with the knowledge, in Christ precious name. Amein

Hephzibah Christly