#6 Prevailing Mercy:Prayer Focus: Supernaturally Bypass Protocol for me O God.

Text: James 2:13.
‭‭”For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.” James 2:13, NASB 1995

Today, we pray for all who are facing legal issues such as: change of status application, pending court cases or unjust rulings, unwanted/unjust divorce filed by a spouse, unfair foreclosure processing, custody dispute, and medicaid appeal, etc.

Before we proceed in this prayer, please hold this words dearly in your mind:
…Acknowledge your sins to God and accept His forgiveness of all your sins and believe in your heart that you have been cleansed of all unrighteousness.

…You need to understand also that mercy is God’s prerogative and He, as the Monarch of the universe, has the power to overrule in the affairs of nations.

…God is also the righteous Judge of the universe, and His justice requires a just recompense for Sin and Jesus Christ already met the just requirements of the ‘law of sin and death and has made free, all who place their faith in Him ( Job 34 17, Romans 5, 8:2)

…Refuse to allow satan plague you with a guilt riddled conscience for God is greater than your conscience- 1 John 3:20-22)
Holding fast to Scriptures, let us Pray 🙏🏽:

Father God, thank you for supernaturally bypassing natural procedures and the corruption in our earthly systems, for the sake of those who by this prayer now ask for your help.

We affirm that you have caused all things to work together for their good, for they love You, and are called according to your purpose.

We are thankful that you our God have overturned the counsel of the ungodly, and no charge against those we are praying for, shall stand.

We affirm that their vindication comes from you alone, therefore, all the voices of accusations who are speaking against them are condemned to silence 🔕 for the Blood if Jesus is speaking better things on their behalf.

Therefore, just as the counsel of Hushai was used to overturn that of Ahitophel, we know that you have overturned all the contrary decisions, decrees, or judgments to be in our favor.

Thank you Father for frustrating the tokens of liars and turning their wisdom to foolishness and for restoring the rights of your children to them.

We believe that whosoever calls upon the name of Jesus Christ shall be saved and no forces of evil can function against the accomplishment of God’s perfect will and purposes.

Thank you God for saving your people from injustices and granting heart desires in alignment to your perfect will.

As God’s Oracle, I speak Prevailing Mercy of God over all the aforementioned case scenarios, and declare that expanded mercy, supernatural favors, and unlimited goodness are at work in your lives and circumstances, in the matchless name of Jesus Christ ♥️

As you say a resounding Amein to this prayer, stay encouraged.

No matter how messed up you are, just as the prodigal son acknowledged his errors and returned home to Dad, put aside those feelings of unworthiness and return to Father God.

God is so looking for ways to bless you and make you rife count for more.

Don’t believe the naysayers that you must work for your salvation. Lies.
Christ already paid it all. You only need to ‘work-out’ your salvation- as in the exercise of faith daily in all circumstances. It’s so that you stay fit!.

Remember that no one prevails by strength but Divine mercy will always be victorious over judgment.

Shalom from Hephzibah Christly, TheSpiritualWarrior.
Dec.6, 2023.

Our prayer continues. See you tomorrow.

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